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- Access Slide Presentation
- Access Podcast Interview
- Access Clinical Trial - Sciatic Nerve Paper - Pain Medicine, 11:356-368, 2010. The paper Describes the safety (lack of adverse effects) and superior effectiveness of G - Agmatine® for sciatic nerve nerve health.
- Access Clinical Trial - Small Nerve Fiber Paper - Nutrients (Clinical Nutrition), 12 (2):576, 2020; Special Issue: Diet and Nutrition in Neuropathic Pain and Headache. The paper Describes the effectiveness of G - Agmatine® for small nerve fiber health.
- Access Clinical Horse Study Paper - Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(24), 7283, 2022; The paper describes the effectiveness of G - Agmatine® for nerve and joint health and for gastric health in horses.
- Access Clinical Dog Study Paper - Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 5, Article 311, 2018. The paper describes the effectiveness of G - Agmatine® for nerve and joint health in dogs.
- Access Agmatine Review Paper - Agmatine: clinical applications after 100 years in translation. Drug Discovery Today 18:880-893, 2013.
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